Black and white to color
*** Green background-Complementary *** Pink background- Analogous *** Blue background- Triad So for my black and white image to color I decided to do a triad color theme, analogous color theme and a complementary color theme. I will say this I spent over 8 hours on this project, so to say the least I definitely struggled a bit. The hardest part for me was getting past the idea that photoshop and illustrator are not the same thing and the tools are not the same. As someone who has never used either software prior to this class, I associated them with one another, therefore I thought the tools were similar and did the same thing. After doing this project, I found out that this was not really the case and the two programs are very different. With that being said, I did spend a lot of time on this project, I don't necessarily think that this is my best work I have ever created but given the amount of time I put into it, I truly don't think that I ...